
Your destination for bespoke scenic design in the heart of New York City. Specializing in crafting tailored environments for television, online broadcasting, and live events, we take pride in delivering sophisticated and functional spaces.


We prioritize a collaborative and inclusive approach to storytelling within our team. The initial approach involves bringing together diverse perspectives and skill sets, fostering an environment to shaping the narrative. Through open discussions and brainstorming sessions, we encourage the exploration of various ideas and viewpoints. This collaborative spirit not only sparks innovation but also ensures that the final story reflects a collective vision. This inclusive foundation sets the stage for a rich and dynamic storytelling experience, where the fusion of diverse talents results in a narrative that is both compelling and resonant.


  • 1. Establish

    The journey begins with thorough research. Designers delve into the project's context, objectives, and target audience. They analyze industry trends, gather data, and immerse themselves in relevant information. This phase sets the groundwork for a well-informed and strategic design process.

  • 2. Ideate

    Building on the insights gained from research, the ideation phase is a creative exploration of potential solutions. Designers brainstorm and generate a variety of ideas, often using techniques like brainstorming sessions, mind mapping, or mood boards. This stage is about fostering innovation and capturing diverse concepts.

  • 3. Critique

    Following the ideation stage, a critical evaluation is essential. Designers assess the generated ideas, considering factors such as feasibility, alignment with project goals, and user experience. Constructive critique helps refine and narrow down the options, ensuring that the chosen concept is both viable and effective.

  • 4. Design

    With a refined concept, designers move into the detailed design phase. This involves creating comprehensive plans, prototypes, or visual representations of the final product. Design decisions are made with a focus on functionality, aesthetics, and user needs. This phase translates the chosen concept into a tangible and well-defined design.

  • 5. Build

    The final stage is the implementation or building phase. Designers collaborate with developers, engineers, or other relevant professionals to bring the design to life. This stage may involve actual construction, coding, or production, depending on the nature of the project. Regular communication and feedback loops are crucial to ensure the end result aligns with the envisioned design.


At our core, we've cultivated a culture that embraces collaboration and teamwork. Drawing expertise from a spectrum ranging from architecture and interior design to theater and film, we actively seek diverse viewpoints. Our creative process is centered on the power of ideas, where merit reigns supreme – egos take a back seat in our dynamic environment.


Camille Connolly has served as a production designer, art director, and project manager for  internationally-recognized and award-winning projects the world over. Since founding 3C Studio, Inc. in 2009, Camille has produced designs for networks, cable television, news, talk, live events, corporate branding events, and internet-ready brands with a small-but-mighty team. With Camille at the helm, 3C Studio has earned Emmy Awards, Set of the Year Awards, and BDA Awards. But, as grand as that sounds, these accolades are really icing on the cake for Camille, whose passion lies in working closely with a band of individuals dedicated to a common goal: creating the best environmental experiences possible for their clients. A New Yorker for many years, Camille hails originally from the Pacific Northwest, an area she still loves to visit. BFA Southern Oregon University, MFA Carnegie Mellon.